I truly believe that God is in everything and can teach us lessons through everything. That's not to say that He causes everything - our free will has a great effect on that - but He can use all of it for our benefit if we allow and look for it.
One of my favorite ways to see the lessons of God is though kingdom principles in secular society. It amazes me when they are so excited about a "new idea" that works wonders. Most of the time it was written as an instruction 2 to 3 thousand years ago in the Bible. Ah well, proof once again that "...there is nothing new under the sun."(Ecclesiastes 1:9)
Where have you found some kingdom principles in secular places? It's fun to see what and whom God has used to speak to us. What's brought this topic up? A favorite one I've found:
"I find your lack of faith - disturbing." -- Darth Vader
“Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them.” – Obi-Wan