Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let's Talk

OK. Enough for now. My toes have been smarting for a week now, and I think yours have too. Funny how I've received fewer and fewer hits every day.  :-)

I want to hear from you today.

What are you doing today? What is on your heart? Are you mad, frustrated, bored....?
What's getting your goat right now?
Did you read something interesting, or a Scripture that's piqued your interest?
Do you have any questions about God- either serious of whimsical? I'm always questioning God about stuff -as I think you can tell - but I want to know about you.

Post a comment either with your name or anonymously, but either way...

Let's talk.


  1. I want to not sweat the small stuff today, be able to concentrate on what I need to get done today

  2. The easiest way to witness. Recently my closest friend, who has been baptized but really never mentions anything about God or Jesus ever, said something to me about balancing good and evil. I told her I don't agree, we are supposed to have that scale wayyyy off balance, obviously with good being on the "heavy" side. So then we started talking about virtues...she somehow said she wanted to be more virtuous. I told her she should pick one and God would start doing very interesting things for her. I told her it could be like a science experiment and that I knew she would enjoy seeing what happens. And she did and she IS enjoying it. If someone has a friend that needs some Christian advice but you don't want to come off as being high and mighty--because to that specific friend you know that is how they will interpret it--let God do it. Plant the tiniest of seeds and tell them God will show them what it is they need to know. This is what He's always waiting show himself to those who are looking and He will reveal himself every single time.

  3. Lucy, I agree the big stuff I can handle. It's the little stuff that can get me sometimes.

    Lacy- Good idea! That's a great way to make sure we are letting God show His power and glory and not try to use the "reasoning" of human minds.

  4. I need to deal with frustration, anger, and fatigue! Frustration with students and parents who wait until the last minute and then want you to perform miracles for them (and they are missing vital documents that are required to complete their financial aid package), anger because of the lies and greed, and fatigue from working to many hours with inadequate breaks. But I do know that my Father is watching over me and that with His help, I will make it through one more group of incoming freshman class. I need patience, peace, and the ability to love those who really frustrate me.

  5. Several months ago I told a friend, “I have two issues, ‘One. I am always late. Two. I’m usually unprepared.’” It wasn’t that I was OK with this; I just had accepted it about myself. Then God began to work in me. It wasn’t that he hadn’t been working on me; I was just restrictive with the areas I would let him into. For the past several months several friends & I had been meeting to pray about where God was leading us. Then an unexpected storm came up & all I could see were the waves. “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” He commanded me to ignore the waves & make Him my focus. He doesn’t want me to use my “two issues” as an excuse with him. He does not want to wait on me; I am His. I am to wait on him…and not question his timing. Since then I have been early. Rising earlier, getting to work earlier, getting to appointments & church earlier. Craziness I say. You have no idea how amusing I find this new schedule – me early? And as I pray for when God will “reveal his plan for my life”, he asks am I prepared? No. Then why am I concerned. So he is preparing me. I am not allowed to point at any one else. He is making me look at myself. The areas I have smoothed over, the areas that I need to get rid of. There are some areas he says I have just been carrying around too long, both the things I am excessively proud of & the hidden shame. Resting on my laurels & carrying my burdens has slowed me down & kept me from moving forward spiritually for way too long. I also have to tear down walls that I have erected that are in my path. Walls I built to give me a false sense of security are to be demolished. As I work to remove these things from my life, he is showing me attitudes I need to add – a whole long list. To summarize this list: I am to seek him with an undivided heart; he wants me to have patience in his timing, and no longer be lukewarm, but on fire. I am His & I am to act like it.
