Monday, June 8, 2009

Due To Technical Difficulties...

I'm sorry there has not been a blog for the last two days. I have two things to say about this:
  1. Yes, I know writing one everyday may seem a bit much at times for me to write and for you to read, but God has really been on my case for missing two days in a row. He's not allowed me a peace about it, so I'll try not to let it happen again.
  2. Technology and I are in a love/hate relationship.
Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for all this technology we have. I'm just really frustrated with my limitations. One issue is that I don't have Internet at home. This has been annoying at times, but is becoming increasingly difficult when trying to write a daily blog. My plan has been to write several at a time and then post them when I am in town at a free Wi-Fi place, but this is hard to do over the summer months when my children are home all the time. Driving a half hour into town just isn't a whim type of thing with little ones.

The other problem is my lack of PC savy. I've forgotten how to do everything I once knew how, but I did discover that really doesn't matter. They do it different now anyway! I spent over an hour of my precious Internet time the other day just trying to get one video to come up on this blog. I have no idea if it's something I'm doing wrong or if it's my laptop which has become quite snarky lately. Either way, I'm having technical difficulties.

This morning after having to close yet another program that was not responding and restart my computer, I realized something. I'm so very, very thankful to God that He allows me to “restart” when my “program” is not responding. Perhaps my focus is off kilter and I need to clear my head and focus on Christ alone again: RESTART! It could be that I've been going along with what God has told me, but have begun adding too much of me and not enough Him: RESTART! There have also been times when I have gone against the Word and grown “weary of doing good” (2 Thessalonians 3:13): RESTART!

Hey, I know that there will not be any memory chips added. I've got to run on whatever capacity the Good Lord has given me till He upgrades me to that new body. Oh, the possibilities! So until that day I will praise the Lord for the grace He has given me to RESTART.

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