Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In Ten Years

This Friday is my tenth wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been that long, but at the same time, it feels like so much longer since we've know each other since childhood. The funny thing is that several of our friends have also recently had their 10th anniversaries or will be very soon. A lot was going on 10 years ago! I've realized how much we've changed in the last 10 years: And believe me, it's for the better! Kevin and I have really grown in our relationship with God and thus with each other. We are amazed at how far He's brought us!

Last Saturday, we were blessed to be able to go to part of a Ted Dekker conference called The Gathering (I use the term, conference, loosely. It was hard to describe, but amazing!) Dekker is a fiction writer I love to read who is also a Christian. His writings all have Christian elements and allusions, but I wouldn't call him a Christian author really, and I was glad to see he felt the same way about his writing. As he was talking about the over 25 books he has published I realized that he was first published less that 10 years ago. Wow! What a ride he has been on!

Dekker then said something about how God will use the people in that very room over the next 10 years. That really hit me hard, because that is exactly what God has been talking to me about. What will be my reality in 10 years? Where will God lead Kevin and I? We just need to be willing to follow. I have to admit, we are really nervous and a little scared about it, but we trust that it will be the best for God's kingdom and that is what we are here for: To glorify Him. I don't think He'll mind if we have to close our eyes every once in a while and scream while He takes us on the roller coaster He built for us. At least we got on!

Think about where and who you were 10 years ago. How far has God brought you? Has He been speaking to you about where your going? Where do you think He'll have you in 10 years?


  1. The last 10 years has been a wild ride for me. Turning my back on God and Him turning me back around to Him... Moving to TN... And with all He is putting on my mind and drawing me to, I'm guessing the next 10 will be just as wild!!

  2. Let's see 10 years ago, I was pregnant at your wedding. Now that kid is already planning on being a doctor and spending time with Mercy Ships or a similar christian organization for doctors to spread God's love. Ten years ago, I did not know him, but God already formed him to be His servant. It will be amazing to see where He takes us all in the next 10 years.

