Sunday, April 26, 2009

For Ladies Only

I don't plan on doing this very often, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about something that happened yesterday. And it is only for women's ears. ...or eyes, being this is written.
When trying on my swimsuit for the first time this season (you know how scary that can be), I was reminded of something Jesus said in Luke 12:48b. “Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. And even more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more.” HCSB
Believe me, I had never thought of it in this way before, but as I was squeezing my chest into the bikini top, I realized I had the responsibility of how to handle, endowment, with which the Lord has entrusted me. Now, praise be to my Creator that I have not been given too much in that area. Just enough to be annoying at times. But as Godly women, we have the responsibility to watch what we wear and how we display ourselves. Now, if you have much of a chest at all, you can't wear many of the cute little shirts so many others are wearing- so don't try. We are expected to make sure there is not too much valley showing between the “mountains of Bether”. (Song of Solomon 2:17 KJV)
My one failing point is in swim wear, and growing up in Daytona Beach was not very helpful. If the two piece covered the MAIN areas, that was good enough. Even to wear in the stores around. The second problem is tan lines. How do you not develop a tan line where it won't be obvious with different style clothing?
Well after today, trying to be modest while bending over to scrub the undercarriage of the van, I will be buying a new swimsuit. As for the tan lines? I think I'll try saving up some “modest money” for a little time at the tanning bed! After all, more is expected of us!


  1. *ugh* swimsuit season. Probably my least favorite of the seasons. Don't get me wrong. i love the beach and swimming and all that that entails... but it seems that every year it gets just a little bit harder to find something that is not only modest, but cute!! Trust me, as a 28 year old single female.. cuteness is VERY important! haha

  2. I'm all about cute!!! Lauren's teaching me :)
    The problem is I know what kind of bathing suit I want- I just can't seem to find it!
