Monday, April 27, 2009

Lessons For Kids

This past Easter my kids looked forward most, of course, to finding Easter eggs. They usually start driving me crazy about them a week or two before the big day, and it doesn't end until I go psycho on each plastic half I find up to a week later.
When the day finally arrived, I knew they were chomping at the bit once lunch was over, so I made them stay in the living room while I went outside to hide the eggs. Now, I do have about an acre of land out back, but it is open field: One swing set, one tiny tree, a picnic table, and a fire pit. Not a lot of options to hide 30 florescent eggs. So I decided to be a little sneaky with a few.
As I said, it is open field and I'm not about to win any awards for a lush, green, weed-free lawn, so there are a few thistles growing around. I mow them flat, I just haven't removed all of them. I thought those poky little beds would make a great place to hide an egg or two.
As the kids came bolting out of the house like horses at the track, I realized a problem might arise...
They found the obvious ones and then started the hunt. They were neck in neck running through the yard so that if one was spotted they could beat the other there. Then, a thistle egg was spotted by Elijah. Lauren, being a woman in training, used her hips to bump him out of the way as she dashed past and lunged for the egg. Hee..hee...
What a great Deuteronomy 6:6-7 moment.
The Lord says we are to talk about Him and His commands as we go about our day to teach our children. So, as Lauren sucked on her pricked fingers, I talked about how greed can be destructive: Luke 12:15 "Watch out and be on guard against all greed because one's life is not in the abundance of his possessions." And how Jesus said in Matthew 19:30, "But many who are first will be last, and the last first." How we are to be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32
Ask the Lord to help you teach not only your biological, but your spiritual children as everyday things pop up.
By the way, Elijah got the egg carefully as she was fussing! How much do we miss by being greedy and then fussing when we get pricked?

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