Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The List of Titles

I have always thought of life situations in the form of titles. It's just how I tend to think. Perhaps because it gives me a brief summery of what something is about or a chance to use a little irony in an otherwise heavy situation. All I know is that I love a good title.

About two years ago, as I started listening to the things God was teaching me, the titles for each lesson would pop to mind. There were so many good lessons and allusions, I decided to write them down in order to remember what God was teaching me. I started a list on the back of a door with a very brief summary so that I would not forget the nuances of what they were. “Great!” I thought. “Now what?” They were really good reminders to me, but for some reason I was desperate to share them with others. I had no idea what to do with them though.

So the list sat there growing slowly. There were times I was so frustrated, that when a title/lesson came to mind I didn't bother writing it down. Other times I was so determined to make something of them I would start trying to write a study or lesson about each subject, but they never seemed to go anywhere. I finally came to a place where I just left the list alone. I added one or two more, but had no aspirations for them. They were there for me. Good enough.

This morning as I sat down to write a blog, nothing came to mind. I thought about grabbing my Bible and reading till something hit me, but that just didn't seem to be right today. So I started praying for the Lord to help me come up with something. I asked Him to guide me. Teach me. Show me what He wanted me to learn, and what He wanted to me write. As I prayed, a thought popped into my mind: The list. I immediately got up and looked it over. They were perfect little lessons for blogs! Undeveloped, but there... waiting to come to light! I was so excited, and yet sad. How many times, had I not written down what I heard. Are they lost? Other titles I wrote didn't have enough explanation for me to remember what they were fully about. As I set there telling the Lord I was sorry for not obeying fully, He comforted me. The list is there. No, not completely. But it's there. I didn't fully fail. Take heart.

Isn't it amazing how He knows our paths so well, that He gives us the means and tools before we even know why or how to use them? God says in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.” (GW) He knows how to get us ready for a task. Just be willing and ready.

Do you have a “list”? Perhaps it is something written, a class you felt lead to take, or a skill learned that you were sure the Lord wanted, but you haven't used. Don't forget it. The Lord may be waiting for the right time. He is pleased with the faith you had to get this far.

So, as days come when I am not sure what to write, I will be happily going to storerooms the Lord had prepared for me and bring out something well seasoned.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love how God prepared you for the technology to come. He is so amazing!!

