Monday, May 4, 2009

Brown Paper Bags

When I was a kid, my parents use to occasionally amuse themselves by placing a closed brown paper bag in on the kitchen table and seeing how long it took me to get into it. I believe there were even a few times that they told me to leave it alone as they went to another part of the house. That drove me CRAZY! I had to know what was in it.
When I was pregnant with each of my four children, I about went nuts until I had the ultrasound telling me the sex. I kept thinking it was like one of those brown paper bags, but inside me- kicking and taunting me! My youngest has unfortunately inherited that gene, and I admit, I have but a bag or two on the table...
I began questioning myself not long ago as to why God gave me this curiosity. Why do I have to know? How could I possibly use that to glorify Him? The answer came to me one day as I was researching a particular word in the Old Testament. I actually have the Bible in Hebrew and Greek with very extensive and detailed definitions of each word along with the syntax. I would never have dug into the Word of the Lord so deeply and passionately if I wasn't so curious about it. I've been able to focus this inborn trait in order to not only develop a richness of the Bible myself, but have been able to pass it along to other women. This has taken a long time and many sacrifices to bring about, but it has been well worth it! And I pray that it will continue to grow.
The Lord gives each of us passions and desires. The trick is not using them to please and amuse ourselves, but to glorify God. When we begin to do that, we find that we are enjoying the tasks the Lord gives us. That is why He gave them to you!
Are you using yours for Him?

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