Sunday, January 9, 2011

Favorite Books of the Bible

My Pastor is soon going to begin a lecture series through one of my 3 favorite books of the Bible: 1 John. I have to say 3, because I just can pick between them as to my absolute favorite. It really depends on what I am learning and experiencing at the time.

One of the reasons I adore this book so much is that it shows such a beautiful balance in truth and  love. In fact, I would subtitle it, 1 John: Truth and Tough Love.  How delighting it is that this book teaches me to have a healthy, tough love from "the disciple whom Jesus loved". You know something interesting about that? It was John himself that wrote that down- 5 times (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20) . No one else did. I imagine he found comfort and the security to be bold for Christ in that knowledge. This is a trait I deeply desire.

What are some of your favorite books of the Bible?

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