Monday, May 10, 2010

Silly Bandz

You've heard of Silly Bandz, right? No? Then you are not a parent of school aged children in the south eastern USA! They are all the rage...

Kids wear them on their wrists like a bracelet. They bend, stretch, but always bounce back! Silly Bandz come in all shapes and colors, and some even glow in the dark. Everyone wants them, and the stores are always sold out with yet another shipment on perpetual back order. You can get a 12 or 24 pack anywhere from $3.95 to $6.95, depending on the shapes and overall cool-ness factor. Needless to say, they are very much the "in" thing...

Do you know what they are? Fancy rubber bands.

Now if I said I'd sell you a 24 pack of medium sized rubber bands for $7, you'd laugh at me. There's no way you'd pay that much, and I wouldn't blame you! But throw in some color and mold them to always return to the same shape, and we can't buy them up fast enough! Why is that?

Now, I have nothing against these Silly Bandz. We've purchased several packages (and their off-brand versions), without hesitation. They really are neat. But I must always remember that they are really nothing but rubber bands. It's the same thing with clothing or any sort of fashion. A shirt is a shirt. But if you add a little extra color and stick a brand name on it, it's suddenly worth so much more. Honestly, it's the extra time, attention, and who it was made by that makes all the difference.

Why then, do we think it's any different with being a Christian?

Yes, a Christian is a Christian, but I want to be more than just a plain ole' rubber band for the Kingdom. I want to glow in the dark and be in the shape of some really cool object! That takes a little extra work on me. I have to be colored by the Word in my total composition, or daily, level. I'm required to learn to bounce back to my original shape by adding the compound of humility and service to Christ Jesus.

Then, and only then, will I be worth $7 a 24 pack to Him here on earth. I think that's worth the extra effort, don't you?

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