Saturday, January 15, 2011


I'm so excited today- and I don't know why!

Today the Lord has blessed me with a sense of anticipation, hope, and love for humanity that has in all honesty blind-sided me. Trust me- I'm not complaining! I wish this came more often :)

One thing I have noticed is a sense of community with this. We tend to get so bogged down in our own lives, friends, goals and ambitions that we forget every one of us in this world is really in the same boat. All humans struggle to survive and find a purpose. I am a human, you are a human, and the guy half way around the world is human too. And think about this- all of us were even created for the same reason!
We are here to be given a chance to glorify God.

That is something I know I need help with at times as I sink back into the selfishness of "Me-ism" that plagues the world today. But, that is also something I know you need help with, and so does that guy I'll never meet in some distant land. We can not do it alone. That means we need each other. So why wouldn't I love "him" and everyone else worldwide?

So, we love. We pray for and reach out to one another. I pray for salvation, hope, and purpose in the lives of all. I pray that they may come to know the blessed, personal relationship we can have with Jesus Christ so that they can continue to glorify God for all eternity. I pray they know don't know of Jesus, but know Him in a way that completely transforms their lives. And as I pray.... I'm excited for what I know He will do!

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