Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Trust and obey.

I wonder if perhaps Abram (later renamed Abraham) wasn't privy to this old American hymn as he wandered around from Mesopotamia through Canaan to Egypt. Here he was, called out of his homeland who worshiped multiple gods as his family did (Joshua 24:2), to wander through a distant land following the "Start walking " command of a single God. That takes a lot of Trust and Obey.

This has made me start wondering why we think that all of the sudden God is going to start telling us only to do things that are reasonable and, in the end, entail very little trust in Him. Actually, the more I read the Bible the more I realize He asks us to do very little that is reasonable or logical by human standards. How often in Scripture do you see someone respond with, "Oh, yes Lord. That makes perfect sense!" Most the time they are scared to death and completely confused.

I like that... It helps to know I'm in good company.

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