Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not My Responsibility

I have a difficult time accepting that I am not responsible for other people's walk with God.

I know it sounds foolish and simple, but it's not to me. I have such a burden and desire to see people grow in the Lord, that it frustrates me to no end. Then, what frustrates me even more is knowing that the same can be said for me. I remember the times that people told me something over and over about the Lord – His might, His glory, His love, His love, His compassion – but I didn't make the tough decisions in order to receive them fully. I also realize that I'm not there myself yet. I know I have a very long way to go in my relationship with God.

It's just that I burn with jealousy for them to experience Him in the ways I have been blessed with! The ways I know He desires to delight us with. I want to scream, “Make the tough choice. Stop making excuses. He's worth it- He's worth all of it!” But so many don't study His Word- they take the preacher's word. They don't listen to Him- they humbly demand. They don't ask Him to direct them in every decision- they whine that He needs to bless the ones they think make the most sense...

When will we understand? God doesn't make sense. He makes miracles.

It would be so much easier to understand and approach with the Truth if they knew nothing or little about God as pagans do. But they know nothing or little about God as Christians, and to be honest... it's by choice.

I'm not judging. Really. I'm pleading. There are so many around me who do love the Lord, so much. They are an inspiration and a blessing, but living in the “buckle of the Bible belt” I see way too many of those I described. They are who I cry out to God for. I ask the Lord to search my heart, to make sure that I've not fallen into the same stale trap. I know I could at any time and have to remain vigilant that I don't. But I've also had to realize that I can't do anything about others...except, tell them about the Truth whenever possible, try to be an example, and accept that God's got it all under control.

Because that would be a miracle.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. You are not alone, I struggle with the same thoughts and desires. I don't have to look far to see christians I would like to see changed.

    I can esily find fault in others and yet I struggle to find fault in myself. I find myself weak and weary, knowing my only source of strength is in the Lord. So I seek the Lord for wisdom and ask for His will in my life.
