Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Virtuous Woman

I'm getting ready to do a study Sunday night on the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31. What are some of your ideas or initial thoughts on that passage?

Do you skim over it trying not to feel bad?
Is she a source of encouragement to you?
How do you think she relates to women today?

Give me some of your thoughts...


  1. I think that she is very encouraging. I mean, I know she is a lot to live up to, but I think there is a lot in scripture that should be very meaningful to women in current times. She takes care of her household, but yet buys her own vinyard and makes linen garments and sells them. her husband praises her her children call her blessed. She is not dependant on her husband, yet they seem to respect/trust/love each other.

    Sure, hard to live up to, but what a blessing to have

  2. I agree... but only in the last few years. I had the realization last night of what a gift of God it was to have this description. We know we have Jesus to look up to and imitate as much as possible here on earth, but the Lord was loving and concerned enough to also give women a specific role model as well. NOT that she trumps Jesus- far from it! But we were made different from men! We need that example to gravitate towards as well.
