Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Don't Be Jesus To Anyone

I know I have a bad habit of taking popular phrases and finding something that could be wrong with them. Perhaps it's that I just look at things differently and have difficulty in taking things at face value. One saying which recently popped in my mind at an odd time was the question, “Are you being Jesus to those around you?” Now, I know this is meant to inspire us to be kind and loving to a lost world and that we need to share the Gospel of Christ to all. However, it just sounds wrong to me. I can't be Jesus to anyone! He was, and is, perfect. He is the object of our devotion. We owe Him everything for the sacrifice He made for us. I can't do any of those things.

Another problem is that sometimes Christians are Jesus to those around them. Too many pastors, teachers, or mentors are idolized by those they are trying to reach. The imperfect human is then placed on the pedestal Jesus should be on. When they fail, as they will at times, the devotee rejects Christianity as a farce; as something that has failed them.

I want to propose a slightly different phrase and give you a few reasons why. I know there are things that can be said wrong about this one as well (Remember the “I'm not perfect” statement earlier?), but I like it a bit better:

Are you being (the) Holy Spirit to those around you?

First off, the Holy Spirit dwells in imperfect people. We mess up at times no matter how hard we try. However, the Spirit lives within us to help guide, empower, and comfort Christians. Isn't that what we should be doing for the lost? We live in this imperfect world as the Spirit lives within us. We need to guide them to the Truth, amaze them with our emotional/spiritual strength, and comfort them in this difficult world, just as the Spirit does for us.

My favorite comparisons come from John 16:13-14. Jesus says, “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own, but will speak whatever He hears. He will also declare to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, because He will take from what is Mine and declare it to you.”

1. The Spirit guides us into all truth / We are to guide others into all truth

2. The Spirit does not speak on His own, but what He hears from the Father / We would do well to imitate this. So often we love to spread out own opinions about Christianity when we need to stop, listen to what the Father would have us say, and then say only that.

3. The Spirit declares to us what is to come / We need to have the courage to tell the world, not just what Jesus can do for them now, but what He will be saving them from.

4. The Spirit glorifies Jesus through what the Father has given His Son / We are to glorify Jesus in all that we do through the love, compassion, boldness, and faith we receive from Him.

Another thing the Holy Spirit does for us, that we don't like to talk about as much, is to burden and chasten us when we need it. That is another thing we need to do for those around us, but in a loving manner. Remember, He never forces us, and when we do choose wrong is there to comfort us in our repentance.

So what are you to those around you? Jesus? The Holy Spirit? Or just another bump on the log?

1 comment:

  1. Good point, I never thought of it that way. I will remember to do that this week.
