Friday, November 19, 2010

The Wrong Side of the Bed

How do you live as a Christian when you wake up to a bad day? I'm not talking about when things go wrong during the day- I mean those days when you not only wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but get up and start you day from there too. How do you give a defense for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15) without giving offense because the hope within you seemed to drain out during your sleep last night?

I'll be honest- that was today for me. And that has been quite a few days over my lifetime. So what do I do? I've been working on that:

1. Be brutally honest with myself first, and God second. We have to admit to ourselves that we are in a foul, depressed, anxious, or ornery mood first, because we often love to throw that blame elsewhere. Then, we need to go to God* with it: It's not like He doesn't know already. There is something about telling Him that in prayer that is a little healing.
   *Hint: When going to God about your foul mood, don't fuss at Him for it, like it's His fault. (Oh, you know there are times you do...) Instead ask Him to give you the strength to change it because you obviously can't on your own.

2. Read your Bible. This is the difficult part because it takes time and you're not going to want to since your are already cranky. Do it anyway. Let some of that orneriness be directed into making yourself read it because you "won't take no for an answer".

3. Play the right kind of music. No, I'm not going to tell you it has to be a certain style, but it shouldn't have ungodly lyrics. If you're not sure if it does check it against these verses - Galatians 5:19-21 - or just pick something else. In our house we call Barlow Girl, "Music to calm the savage beast" for my youngest son. I lean toward movie scores and sounds like Enya. God created us to be musical and we will be for eternity (Just read Revelation), so know yourself. Pay attention to how music affects you and use it to your advantage. (Otherwise you just might annoy yourself even further! Proverbs 25:20 )

The most important thing, is don't stew in it. Sometimes I just want to be in a bad mood, but that is not who we are to be for the sake of the Gospel. I've had to ask myself, "Is continuing to be in a bad mood worth  deliberately disobeying God?" No.

All this is not to say you - and I - still won't have bad days. They will just be fewer and further between. Also, as I struggle to get out of it, I learn even more how desperately I need Him! Remember, He won't leave you there.

The humble will eat and be satisfied; 
    those who seek the LORD will praise Him.
    May your hearts live forever!
Psalm 22:26
Happy are those who keep His decrees
    and seek Him with all their heart.
Psalm 119:2

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