Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spiritual Muscles

We are all born with muscles. They all have their own function and purpose, but work together in our body for the greater good. Most of them you don't even realize are there until they get hurt. Then that is all we can seem to focus on.

When we become Christians and are “born again” then we are given a Spiritual set of muscles – The fruits of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Galatians 5:22. Once again, we all have them. If we practice only faith, our new body is off balance and won't work right. It's the same for any of the fruits. We need to work evenly on them all. That is not to say that they must all be equally strong. Our love may be more developed than our self-control or patience, just as our legs are stronger than our arms. What we use more will be stronger. We just need to make sure that we don't let any deteriorate to the point of uselessness.

As you meditate on the different fruits, pray to the Lord to show you which areas have become weak. Ask Him, along with me, if He sees us as being a Spiritual weakling, or Spiritually buff.

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