Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Godly Wife

Last Sunday my pastor gave a sermon on Proverbs 31:10-31. As soon as I saw the passage I cringed. This is the one set of Scriptures that, honestly, makes me feel unworthy every time I read it. It's an example of as close to a perfect wife as you can get. One of the things that has always made it so difficult is the change in culture. I don't have a house full of servants and a vineyard to plant. I've never spun linen and there is no city gate for my husband to sit at. There are also many moments I relish being idle. So how do we as modern women take this passage?

Please read Proverbs 31:10-31 first. Then meditate the 10 points my pastor gleaned from these verses. I pray they are an encouragement to you and not just salt in your wounds. But even if they are... remember – salt heals.

A Godly Wife...
Is hard to find.
Is loved and trusted by her husband.
Is industrious.
Is full of mercy.
Cares for her family's needs.
Is supportive of her husband.
Isn't anxious about the future.
Is full of God's Word.
Is praised by her family.
Invests in the eternal, not the frivolous.


  1. No need for you to cringe....
    Love ya!

  2. Pastor Mike's sermons have all been a little hard hitting this summer... which has been such a blessing!!

  3. I like his application to a modern world. I am just as glad that I don't have a vineyard or servants.

