Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Worship

I have truly come to love Sundays. On Saturday, I start gearing up for Sunday morning worship, and just can't wait. The wonderfully, amazing thing is that my preparation is totally different from what it use to be.

Saturday afternoon, I use to debate over what I was going to wear and how to dress the kids, thus I would usually start a load of “Church Laundry”. Next, I would look over the lesson and study it. The length of time I spent, honestly, was connected to whether I was teaching a lesson the next day or not. Then, waking early the next morning, we would rush around and get there just in time for me to hurry to each person and thing I needed to talk to or accomplish. After the service, I would talk to the people I couldn't get to before, and we would run home just in time for Kevin to get ready for work as I shed myself of my Sunday fixings! (...I hate dressing up.) Whew!

Things have changed a bit though. Now, I just make sure we have something clean to wear. I've given up dressin' up. It's not that I'm being disrespectful, in fact, I'm being even less so now. I use to sit there miserable in my dress clothes, and often in pain for various reasons. Now, the time I spent rearranging my attire is spent rearranging my heart. I know that not everyone feels that way when dressing up, but I did, and I'm grateful to attend a church where they are accepting of my jeans and flip-flops every Sunday.

I also love the worship music! I use to lead music at a small church we attended, and while I am truly blessed to have done so, I love just getting to participate now. I was raised in a church where we clapped for a few songs, but never lifted our hands before the Lord in praise. Though not many in my current church do, there are enough people who lift their hands to the Lord, that I have felt comfortable in doing so when prompted by the Spirit. As I've told some of my friends, I may lift my hands, but seldom do I show my armpits. I just haven't made it that high and lifted up....yet.

I still read over the lesson- occasionally. Actually, I have found that when I am current in the Word of God and have been doing what He has asked of me, I get more, and am able to contribute more, to the lesson. That's the wonderful thing about the Bible. Genesis to Revelation, it all points to Jesus, and all Scripture is relevant to any other portion.

There are still things I need to do and people I may need to see when at church, but they have become a blessing to me instead of a list of things to do. A large part of that is due to the fact that I spend time in prayer every Saturday, asking for the next day of worship to be a blessing to myself and my family. I desire for us all to love worshiping there, to love the people, and to love spending time together in corporate worship with them.

Am I human? Yes. That means that this doesn't happen every Sunday, but it happens so much more often than it use to.

And I LOVE it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about our church... I love that jeans and flips are totally acceptable!! Of course, I don't know that I'd go to a church where they weren't accepted. As for lifting your hands... just don't allow yourself to deny Christ if the Spirit is leading you to lift them up. I'm not often a arms to the sky hand-lifter, but I was definitely chastised by the Spirit before when I somehow let it become more about how I looked in front of people instead of what I felt the Spirit leading.....
