Monday, June 15, 2009

Are You Living In Neverland?

I get to return to the Magic Kingdom this Wednesday! We haven't been since Elijah, who is now 6, was just a few months old. Unfortunatley, Kevin won't get to go with us since he has to stay home and work. The kids and I are actually going down to help my mother move from Florida to Kentucky, and we figured as long as we were there, we'd make one last swing over to the Mouse House with both of their grandmothers.

It seems weird though. Kevin and I use to go over to Epcot every Sunday afternoon after church when we were first married. That's the nice thing about being a Florida resident and having season passes. Now, we haven't been in six years. How times change. How our reality has changed! I've tried telling people who have never lived in central Florida how it really is another world. Especially if you go to Disney all the time. It just isn't reality.

It began making me think recently: That is how it is being an American. It's like living in Disney World. The rest of the world doesn't work that way in general, but we just can't comprehand that people don't really have a Zip-a-dee-doo-da time everywhere else. Is that how we are as American Christians?

Many of you know our family has a passion for those of our brothers and sisters in other countries who are persecuted, or looked down upon because of their relationship with Jesus Christ. We are amazingly blessed to live in a country where there is even the pretense of a nationwide Christianity, though this is beginning to change. Let's not take it for granted. Sadly, many Christians in other parts of the world view American Christians as weak, and, in general, I think they are right.

Take a few moments today to pray for the endurance of the saints around the world. Also, thank God for how easy Christians have it here in the United States. They day will come when we do not.

Take a moment, if you will, to check out an organization that Kevin and I love and support. They have a free newsletter which you can request if interested.

The Voice of the Martyrs

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