Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thank Him

Sitting here in the dark this evening with new little contraptions for my computer, I feel very guilty. Not that I got much, just a little set that has a plug in light, a mouse (I had no idea how much I missed one till it came with this set...), and a few other little cables which are universal. My guilt is not from the purchase- I actually got them for free with a camera we bought that was missing its USB cable. The guilt is in how spoiled we as Americans are. Here we bemoan out poor, pitiful plight as millions around the world live in true desperation from many evils. I am so grateful to God that He has blessed us in so many ways.

Have you taken time lately to thank God for your current situation? Perhaps you don't feel thankful right now.

Do you have two sets of clothes? Clean water? Did you have more than one small meal today of the same thing you get every single day? Do you have more than a ragged blanket to keep warm with when its cold and fight bugs off at night when its hot?

Thank Him.

Do you have the option of visiting a doctor? Can you obtain medicine when you are sick? Were you allowed the privilege of a high school education? Can you look up information when you want? Can you even read?

Thank Him.

Did you have the option of reading your Bible today? Do you have a single copy of a book of the Bible, let alone a whole Bible? Did you have to weigh the possibility of violence, rape, or death for the joy of worshiping with other believers? Have you have to choose between your God and your family?

Thank Him.

Dear gracious Father in heaven. Your great Name is Holy. Thank you for the blessings you have heaped upon me. You have given me abundance and comfort in a land which flows with milk and honey. Help us, faithful God, not to loose sight of You and the precious gift You gave us in the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, The Messiah. Help us to shine as bright lights in a dark world- do not let us grow dim. Help us to shine so bright, that others are blinded by Your Glory! Empower us with the strength to glorify Your Name, which is more than worthy. Grant us boldness to speak Your Gospel and wisdom from Your Spirit for how to reach those who are lost. I pray this in the power of the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.

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