Friday, April 24, 2009

Black and White

For those of you who don't know me, God has graced me with an abuntand supply of what I call "wisdom shining through", or white hair. I even had a lady last night who I met say, "What did you do to your hair?!?" Now, I've used this numerous times to talk about how God knew I couldn't afford to pay for highlights, so He took care of it Himself, but this didn't seem to be the right time for that.

The questions hit me as odd. I wasn't offended: It's not in my control. (Well, I suppose it could be if I had some Clairol.) It just made me think. My mother has told me numerous times that I only see things in black and white. And I've told her that I DO see grey- I just know it's made up of black and white! Well, I began to wonder...

Is that really such a bad thing?

So many things in the Bible are black and white. Either you love God or you don't. You either obey what He tells you or you don't. Either you consider yourself a slave to Christ or you don't. (Here's the one that steps on my own toes...) Either you spend time in His presence everyday or you don't. It goes on and on. We try and make too many things in our christian lives grey when they are meant to be black OR white.

So next time I look in the mirror at my black and white hair and think about covering it up I'll be reminded to choose the white!


  1. And when you choose to cover the white - you are choosing the black. On a separate note, when you dye your hair (not doing that again), it changes the texture so it is not only a different color it is rough. Either way God sees right through all of the masks that we want others to see.


  2. Hmmm....I thought that was strands of silver in my hair! But I guess that silver is a shade of grey....just much more shiny and pretty!

    You are right there are many things that are either black or white--no in between shades of grey! Just like the light and the darkness--you are either in the Light or in the dark! I like to walk in the Light!

