Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Humbling Reminder

As soon as my son got in the van yesterday when picking him up from school, he exclaimed in a very loud voice, "Joshua* was being very rude in gym today!"

"What was he doing?" I asked.

"He said he was going to fart up to heaven!!" cried the distraught little voice.


"I don't really know what he meant by it," my son fumed, "but that is very rude!"

"Did you say anything back to him?"

"No. But I couldn't wait to leave the gym. That is disrespectful to God."

This amazed me. Gym is my active little man's favorite thing at school. That he wanted to leave early said a lot about his frustration.

"Well........," I began "I guess he doesn't know any better. Now we know what to pray for him about."

"I know!" My daughter chimed in. "You can give him a Bible. Here." she said pulling a new Bible out of her backpack.

Oh, Lord. May we all have this passion and devotion to defending Your holy Name and the sharing of Your Word. 
I am humbled by my children.

*The child's real name has been changed to a different Biblical name.


  1. That is a great often my daughter's are teaching me as much about God's love as I hope I'm teaching them!

  2. And the children shall lead us!

  3. Jesus is alive today and our children will speak His word even when some adults are afraid to.

  4. Yea, I learn SO much from my kids. Even when it's only how childish we can be! ;-)
