Thursday, December 2, 2010


Do you really believe God works in miraculous ways? I mean to the point you look for it expectantly? 

I've found it's rather like a 365 day Easter egg hunt. I'm always looking for Him to do miracles, but have also learned not to be disappointed when I don't find one. At the same time, I've been taught to not just blow off an "egg" I find by saying it just happened to be there. Seriously, how many Easter eggs would you find lying around naturally? None. They are put there on purpose for just the right moment. 

God works that way too.

Expect to find an egg soon, placed there for just the right moment by a creative and loving God. Then acknowledge it and thank Him.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful way to express the miracles that comes into our lives. I want mine a beautiful robin blue today. Maybe it was the snow and blue sky with all the trees covered with snow, beautiful!!!
