Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Do You Make Of That?

Over the last several days I've been slowly reading the book of Job. As I've listened to Job and his three friends argue, I came to realize that as they are speaking I generally agreed with whomever was talking. To me, I can understand each side. Granted, I was never there and so can't really comprehend what it was like having not seen what truly went on. I can only go by what Scripture gives me: And it states that Job was a " of perfect integrity, who feared God and turned away from evil." (Job 1:1)

It's interesting as well, that everything they claimed and/or fussed about was general. It was never a "remember that time when you did ____?" His friends were just throwing blame. Yes, most of what they said rang true, but that wasn't the case here. Their bickering goes on and on... for 28 chapters! Then another, younger man finally speaks up and says his peace for 5 chapters. That's a lot of "OK, what do I make of these?" questions.

That's when God spoke up.

Job 38-41 are some of my absolute favorite chapters in the Bible. God describes Himself and what He has done. It is so beautiful, humbling, and reassuring. This is His point:
There are times when we have many good questions which go unanswered. There are many times when justice seems to not be served and the wicked get away while the just suffer. When someone is enduring much, we "just know" that they are really being punished for something they, or their family, did wrong. When there is suffering, we just don't know how to respond or comfort.
But, God is God.

He is worthy... whether we feel it or not.
He is able... even when we haven't received the answer we want.
He is holy... and well above  our reproach.
He is wise... He has it figured out.
He is faithful... otherwise we would have all returned to dust long ago.
He is love... and has our best eternal interest in mind.
He is merciful... and knows what we can handle.
He is gracious... drawing us near to Him, and allowing us to come into His presence with our prayers.

So, what do we do with all the questions and concerns which don't make sense and never seem to be answered?
We trust in God. That's called FAITH.

For it is by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift--
Ephesians 2:8

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