Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Scripture can be very rich in imagery and replete with meaning, but we have two things working against our understanding of this: We aren't reading it in it's original language with the cultural understanding of the time, and we, as modern Christian's, tend to read through the Bible fast, often not bothering to find the connections and beauty. 

I'm very guilty of both. Not only am I clueless when it comes to Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, but too often also read through my Bible in record speed with a "checklist marked" mentality. The latter is more easily fixed, yet I want to do what I can about both.

A few years ago I was blessed to be able to purchase The Complete Word Study Dictionary OT/NT. I can now look up in-depth descriptions of Greek and Hebrew words and am even given derivations and etymologies of each word along with other linguistic goodies for geeks such as I. I have my moments. 

All this to say, I really took a piece of Scripture apart the other day. Now, I admit that I didn't go so far as to dissect each word and phrase. I did, however, read into the richer meanings of particular words in order to try and understand the beauty of this passage. I will let you read it first as translated in the HCSB - a version I have found to be surprisingly accurate. Then I will re-write it adding some of the imagery and nuance I discovered. I'm also going to try and steer away from "church-y" words since they have almost lost their meaning in the fact that we often can only define them with themselves. (Example: Praise and glory) I pray you enjoy this and are encouraged to start diving into Scripture a little more on your own.  Digest slowly- there are a lot of words!
(Click here to discover the meaning of today's title as well as a site to use on your own.)

For God is my witness, how I deeply miss all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can determine what really matters and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1:8-11

For the one, true God is my witness and record, how I intensely crave and greatly long after all of you with the essence of inward affection and tender mercies of Christ Jesus. 

And I ask God specifically for this: that your affection - your love feast of charity - will continue, in greater degree, to grow in excess with more than enough to spare, of a powerful and influential understanding which you strive for and for an ability to build upon the experiences and knowledge you acquired to figure out their complete sum.

This is so you can distinguish and prove whether all things are worthy or not, and also so you can be free from spot or blemish to such a degree as to be able to bear examination in the full splendor of the sun - not taking or giving offense and not stumbling or falling, figuratively speaking, in the day of Messiah.

And may you be crammed full with the end product of an ability conform to the state of all God commands or appoints when standing the test of His just judgement: This is only able to come to you by means of Jesus Christ, in order that the honor due to God's perfect opinion will be applauded.
Philippians 1:8-11

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