Have you come to Bethlehem?
The deeper meaning of this question has been plaguing me for several days now. Christ came into the world at Bethlehem, but it wasn't just the city- or hamlet. Christ came to us first in the cave of some beasts of burden. Stinking, dumb animals. It was not sanitary. It wasn't even very acceptable back then. So, why did He come there?
Because we need to come to Him first in our stinking, dumb, unsanitary/unworthy, dark humanity. When we come to Him in this manner - acknowledging who we really are - He makes the seemingly impossible possible. Then we can live victoriously through Him. But not until then. Then, in our newborn state, He is our King! He became a newborn so that we could become a newborn again.
Come adore on bended knee, Christ the Lord the newborn King!
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