Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Sifting Process

This is a comment I wrote on a friend's blog after she had a difficult day. She said I could share it with you, and I pray it encourages you!

As I read...(your blog), I couldn't help but remember both Peter and Job. Satan asked God's permission to test them, and God allowed it. There is always a reason. Jesus told Peter, "Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." I feel God has allowed Satan to whisper the "What If's" to you so that you will recognize and begin to answer some of these questions. Honestly, WHAT IF? Nothing drastic happened this time- praise God! Perhaps He is allowing you to enter into this realm so that you will learn a deeper dependence on Him. If something horrible had happened, God is still Holy and Just. It would have been the right thing, no matter how little sense it made to us. He has our days numbered, and there is no changing them. What a blessing that He is trusting you with this deeper level of love and trust in Him! Are we right to question? Never. But we always do. All of us. And He knows He must build us up slowly to lead and live powerful lives of testimony for Him. I am so grateful that your friend is OK; Miraculously so! But I am also grateful for the growing pains you are receiving. And doing well in acknowledging and handling I might add :) Love ya sis!

And I truly love you all too: Even those I won't meet until heaven!

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