Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"The Day My God Died"

The following video is almost an hour long. Please though, take the time to watch it.

I warn you, that while there are no obscene images or language, this video is disturbing. There is no Christian content here and the only god ever mentioned is the one who is said to have died. Yet there is a very important lesson to learn from this:

First- God loves these women - and yes, these men. Jesus Christ died for each one of them no more or less than He died for you. Pray. Pray that they will hear this gospel and believe it.

Second- This is proof yet again that humans are sinful creatures and desperately need to be covered in the righteous blood of Jesus Christ. Now, before you get self-righteous, remember: Sin is sin. Yes, we give degrees to them here on earth, and they seem right to us, but that is not the measure by which we will all be held. We are measured next to God's holiness. And we are all dirty on our own accord.

Third- How can we complain? We are so blessed to live lives relatively free from atrocities. Bad things do happen to us and we are rightly concerned about the circumstances of our lives, but how dare we wallow in self pity when we claim to follow the One who has His hand over us blessing us so?

So, please take the time to view this PBS special.

And pray that the day their god died(s), they realize the Savior has His arms open wide.
Pray they hear.


  1. I can only see the All State commercial on the link.

    I like the new look of the blog!!

  2. Thanks Rhonda :) I fixed the video.

  3. It is so scary to think that exists in the world. It is sad that sin came into the world and innocent girls have to pay for it. I hope the girls realize that the real God is alive and loves them and wants to heal them!!
