Thursday, September 16, 2010

A "Scary Mary" Kinda Religion

I'm in visual mode.

Have you ever had those moments with God that just need a visual, or perhaps something tangible? That is where I am. So here is a video lesson:

What is Christianity?

As a slave of Christ Jesus, I know that it is merely a title given to those who have accepted Him as such, and a way to identify to others the relationship I have with Him. To the majority of the world, however, Christianity is what they have been told. Some are told that it is a cult. Others believe it's a crutch for fools who know no better. Still others see it as the mask untold horrors have been "justified" through in the name of.

This trailer is a great example of how most the world see the Christian faith. For the very few of you who have never seen the Disney movie, Mary Poppins, it's a sweet, funny musical with lessons about family values, love, discipline, and viewpoints. But, change the music and lace together specific cuts of footage and you have what seems to be a horror film. This, my brothers and sisters, is the image of Christianity being shown most the world by other religions, media, and - unfortunately - those who call themselves Christians but have seemingly never actually read the Bible or who think they can pick and choose the Scripture they want to follow.

I say all this to remind you that we need to have some compassion on those who view us in this light. They have never seen the real thing. Just a doctored trailer...


  1. This is a clever post (and an interesting video). I think the answer is to love those that see us that way and pray for them to see Jesus through us (or despite us sometimes). I think that our biggest problem is that too many people don't think about God at all.

  2. Oh, Rhonda took the words right outta my mouth. So clever. What good motivation to live our lives in a way that radiates God's love to everyone...especially the skeptics.
