Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Though I grew up on Daytona Beach, the only surfing I did was body surfing. I do know others who surf and realize that Daytona has better waves than the west coast of Florida, but they are still nothing spectacular. The people who ride those huge waves like you get in Hawaii amaze me. There is so much raw power there!

As I sat talking with God the other day trying to decide how to best describe an active, vibrant walk in His will, surfing came to mind. There is amazing power and push in water though it can easily swirl around you as well. There is no sitting still either when keeping up with God's will in your life. Yes, He may have times where He wants you to "Be still, and know I am God..." (Psalm 46:10), but even then you have to watch expectantly and be ready to move when He calls: Just like waiting for the right wave to ride.

Often too, God calls us to ride on the edge of what He is doing and if we stray, it all will come crashing down on us. There can be danger, and there is only one way to go safely- which He will show to us as needed. You can not plan the exact path of your ride either. You just know, "Go that way!" Much will be risked, but there is so much more to be gained.

...And what a ride! Count me in.

1 comment:

  1. I love that image! If you go with the water you will soar and be a great witness to all who see you. But when we fight against the power of the ocean we are pulled down. The thing I like best is that the ocean's power is so amazing and yet it obeys God's voice.
