Monday, August 24, 2009

God's Blessing or Satan's Tempting

I have a bit of a dilemma right now. I am sitting at my house writing this blog and will be able to post it as soon as I'm done with it.

I have been praying for the Lord to help me afford the Internet so that I don't have to drive a half hour into town in order to post my blogs, but it hasn't happened yet. It's not going to stop me if I don't get it, but it would sure make it easier since I do most of my writing in the evening.

This evening as I started my computer to write, it automatically connected to a very weak, yet present, wi-fi in my area. For those of you who don't know, I live in the country, but there are a fair number of homes here. Now, I don't know much about anything technical, so I'm not sure if it is from a local business (the closest on being almost a mile away), or from a personal residence. I would statistically go with the personal residence theory, but have no idea how to find out. If that is the case, is it ethical, as a Christian, to use it if there is no password protection. Hmm. Probably not, huh?

So here I sit, typing my fingers off before it disappears. Not a good sign that it's the right thing, is it? What do you do in these situations? When you are given something you have been praying for, yet it comes through a grey area, what do you do? I've been praying for months now and the cheapest I've found for us is about $60 a month in our area. Ouch. Not possible yet.

I'm going to be doing a lot of praying about this...

...and will most likely be posting from yet another coffee shop where I don't drink coffee.


  1. When I was in the process of moving from Jackson to Memphis, and then from Memphis to Murfreesboro, we picked up wi-fi signals at both houses before ordering the Internet. They were really weak signals, though, so Tyson didn't use it because he does a lot of work on the computer and needs a strong signal. It was enough of a signal for me to check my e-mail or facebook occasionally, though. We usually went to coffee shops (or Chick-fil-A! Have you tried them for wi-fi? They're so nice about their wi-fi and they let you stay as long as you want, even if you just buy a sweet tea or something), but for times in-between, I did use the signal from other people's wireless.

    I actually think it would be more ethical to use if it was a residential signal than a business signal, because businesses offer wi-fi as an enticement for customers. It's unlikely, though, that where you guys live, it's a business because there aren't many businesses it's probably a residential.

    Honestly, my ethics are kind of shaky in this area, because I will burn a copy of a CD instead of buying it if a friend has it and I don't mind picking up wireless for free. If you really want to use it, why not ask a few neighbors if "linksys" is their network and whether they mind you logging on occasionally? If they're friends and you explain that you're writing a Christian blog, I bet they'd be receptive to it, as long as you ask them what hours they're not home/not using the Internet so you don't disrupt their use. Just an idea, though.


  2. Thanks. As you might have been able to tell... I've been using it. So far OK, but I am learning a few things in the process: Such as how much time I can waist! :)
